A complete Practice External Assessment (Prelim Paper) for N5 Business Management. We have written this as an additional prelim to pack 14/260 that could be used as a past paper for revision purposes.
Suggested solutions and marking guidelines included. Our Prelim Papers contain original content and are provided in editable format (MS Word 2010 and 2003 versions). Although every effort has been taken to ensure that this prelim paper meets with the requirements of the SQA it is the responsibility of the presenting centre to ensure the reliability and validity of this instrument of assessment. Prior to administering/marking this paper we would recommend that you visit www.sqa.org.uk and seek guidance from: Course arrangements; Marking guidelines; Understanding Standards and Principal Assessor reports. E & OE
This paper is provided ineditable format but we advise that any changes you make to the original paperare indicated on any submission to SQA for absentee candidates.
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