Pack 2 of 2 packs available:
Are you ready for a new challenge?
With the COVID pandemic, Brexit, rising thought towards Scottish independence, the 2020 recession, COP26, and the Russian attack on
Ukraine, it really is the time to get pupils thinking about the dynamic world of trade!
Designed for the BGE levels, these 6 week packs introduce pupils to core economic concepts, with a Scottish context, and a range of topics to stand them in good stead for progression into National 5 Economic, or National 4 or 5 Business Management.
Although best delivered in a classroom, these packs are designed to suit digital learning and are suitable for remote, distanced teaching or even facilitation by a non specialist Business Education teacher. The packs include for each lesson: a teaching presentation, a pupil lesson plan with instructions, an enriching digital activity and an extension task. The packs also contain progress quizzes for each lesson and an online final test with full solutions. The packs can be taught in any order and are interchangeable, the lessons stand alone should you wish to pick and choose a bespoke selection of economic topics to inject some excitement into your BGE curriculum. The topics make an refreshing and thought provoking change for teachers and pupils alike from the usual Administration and Business Management lower school curriculum.
•Supply and demand
•Foreign trade
•Multinational firms
•Class test
£75.00 + VAT
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