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An Introduction to Mindmapping including MindJet MindManager Pro 7 Education Version

An Introduction to Mindmapping including MindJet MindManager Pro 7 Education Version

Mind mapping is a powerful technique for quickly generating, capturing and organising ideas, tasks and activities.

Developedby Tony Buzan, mind mapping is now widely recognised as the single mosteffective and versatile thinking and creativity tool and is usedthroughout the world.  Mind maps have been used by students of all agesand at all levels for many years with dramatic results.  Mind mapsallow us to summarise information efficiently and in such a way as tomake it usable and accessible.  They are particularly useful tools forexam revision, building and refreshing knowledge and skills. 

Thispack provides an introduction to mind mapping and focuses on usingMindjet Mindmanager software in the classroom to allow delivery ofknowledge based skills and revision.  There are no prerequisite skillsrequired to successfully undertake the practice tasks, although you mayfind prior experience of using Office 2007 beneficial.

This pack is bundled with a single-user Licence Education version of MindJet MindManager Pro 7.

SKU: 08/136 Category:

£75.00 + VAT

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